Kick It CA
211 Santa Barbara County is collaborating with Kick It California program and Interface 211 Ventura County to provide one of the most effective tobacco cessation campaigns across the Golden State. At 211SBC, we’re proud to connect individuals with the resources they need to kick the habit for good.

Kick It CA isn’t just another run-of-the-mill campaign; it’s a game-changer in the fight against tobacco use. Every time someone reaches out to 211SBC, they’re not just getting information – they’re getting a lifeline. Our team screens callers for tobacco cessation benefits and seamlessly connects them with Kick It CA’s invaluable one-on-one coaching and self-help resources.
But the impact doesn’t stop there. Kick It CA has been instrumental in reaching communities that are disproportionately affected by tobacco use. Through innovative initiatives like the gift card program, Kick It CA incentivizes tobacco users to explore the science and support systems that can help them break free from addiction once and for all.
At the heart of Kick It CA are highly trained Quit Coaches. These dedicated professionals work tirelessly to develop personalized quit plans for each client, offering unwavering support and encouragement every step of the way. Their passion and expertise inspire clients to take quitting more seriously than ever before.
The numbers speak volumes. Since its launch in May 2022, the Kick It CA program has received over 38,000 referrals from 211s statewide. That’s 38,000 individuals who have taken a crucial step towards reclaiming their health and their freedom from tobacco.
Join us as we celebrate the success of Kick It CA and the countless lives it has transformed. Together, let’s continue to support and empower Californians on their journey to a tobacco-free future.