Q: What is 2-1-1?
A: 2-1-1 is an easy to remember telephone number that connects callers to information about critical health and human services available in their community.
Q: How does 2-1-1 work?
A: 211 is Information and Referral (I&R) Service that helps you find resources that may be able to assist you with health and human services. By dialing 2-1-1 in Santa Barbara County you will be assisted 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you need assistance in another language, 2-1-1 utilizes a translation line, available to communicate in over 150 languages.
Q: How can I access 2-1-1?
A: 2-1-1 Santa Barbara County is available by dialing 2-1-1 in Santa Barbara County or by dialing our toll-free number at 800-400-1572.
Q: What if I need help, but I live in a different county?
A: When you dial 2-1-1, let the Call Specialist know which county you live in if you are not in Santa Barbara County, and we will gladly give you the toll-free number to the 2-1-1 call center nearest you.
Q: Can 2-1-1 give me money, or pay my bills, or find me employment?
A: No. 2-1-1 does not provide any direct services. 2-1-1 provides INFORMATION, and CONNECTS the caller to appropriate resources by REFERRAL.
Q: Do I have to pay to use 2-1-1?
A: No. 2-1-1 is free and confidential to all users. Additionally, all 2-1-1 staff are professional, trained, and follow national standards of excellence.
Q: What if I have an urgent problem, or am in crisis? Can 2-1-1 help me?
A: Yes. 2-1-1 staff are not counselors or therapists, but they are trained to refer crisis calls to appropriate resources such as crisis centers, clinicians, or 911 rescue services in life-threatening cases. In a life-threatening emergency, always dial 911 first.