What is COVID-19?
A novel coronavirus is a new coronavirus that has not been previously identified. The virus causing coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), is not the same as the coronaviruses that commonly circulate among humans and cause mild illness, like the common cold. Patients with COVID-19 will be evaluated and cared for differently than patients with common coronavirus diagnosis.
Reported illnesses have ranged from mild symptoms to severe illness and death for confirmed coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases. Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure: Fever, Cough, Shortness of breath.
More COVID-19 Related Information
General COVID-19 Public Health Information
More detailed information on status reports, FAQ’s and much more can be found in the link below:
Corona Virus Testing
- Testing Sites
- Online Scheduling
- Phone-In Appointments: (888) 634-1123. Select Extension #8
- Emergency Dial 9-1-1
Vaccination Information
- Vaccination Updates
- General Questions Dial 211 (Follow the prompts)
- Email For General Public: vaccine@sbcphd.org
- Email for Provider: vaccine@sbcphd.org
- Sign up to receive vaccine information via email
- Free ride to vaccine appointment for seniors 62+: Call community partners in caring at (805)-925-800 or visit their website for more information: https://partnersincaring.org/missionvaccinate/
General Resources
- Dial 211
- TEXT Zip Code to 898-211
Housing Transition Guide: Your Next Steps
- Click here for eviction resources brochure
COVID-19 Resources
- Food Bank: Expanding efforts to provide food, see link for more information on locations and times: https://foodbanksbc.org/get-help.
- Santa Barbara County Education Office : Food will be available for children under the age of 18 at school sites. For more information visit: https://www.sbunified.org/support/foodservices
- United Boys and Girls Club: Brown bag Free lunch for club members, pick up will occur at 12 each day. https://www.unitedbg.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/letter-to-parents-coronavirus-scaled.jpg
- Family Resource Center Isla Vista Youth Projects: Food Pantry access by appointment, call 805-869-3303
- Food for Angels:
CA COVID-19 Rent Relief: CA COVID-19 Rent relief will help income-eligible households pay for rent and utilities, both for past due and future payments. For more information visit: lhttps://housing.ca.gov/covid_rr/index.html
Family Self Sufficiency Program (FSS): Provides case management to highly motivated individuals who are looking for affordable housing and much more. Click here for more information.
Mental Health: Santa Barbara County ACCESS Line provides mental health services for those who are in crisis due to alcohol, drug, and/or mental health problems. Call 888-868-1649 available 24/7. For more information visit: https://www.countyofsb.org/behavioral-wellness
Domestic Violence Solutions: 805-963-4458 or text “CONNECT” to 741741
Standing Together to End Sexual Assault (STESA): 805-564-3696
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255
Parenting/Relationship Coaching: FSA Coach Line provides free and confidential parenting/relationship support. For region and language specific numbers visit: https://fsacares.org/parent-coaching/
Emergencies: Call 911
Public Safety Net Programs continue to receive health care, food assistance and in-home supportive services in a timely manner during the COVID-19 outbreak. Governor Gavin Newsom issued an executive order to extend the eligibility period for important safety net services. The order waives eligibility re-determination for 90 days for Californians who participate in these services: https://www.gov.ca.gov/2020/03/18/governor-newsom-issues-executive-order-to-protect-ongoing-safety-net-services-for-most-vulnerable-californians-during-covid-19-outbreak/
- Medi-Cal Health Coverage
- CalFresh Food Assistance
- Cash Assistance for Immigrants
- In-Home Supportive Services
Federal Provisions for Unemployment: Federal benefits scheduled to end. This week ending September 4, 2021 will be the last payable week for federal unemployment benefit programs. For more information visit: https://edd.ca.gov/about_edd/coronavirus-2019/cares-act.htm
Easy Lift: Provides transportation services for individuals in South County with limited mobility. Click here to visit their website or dial (805) 681-1181 for more information
Traffic Solutions: Offers local residents and commuters various models of electric bikes. Provides bike maps, carpool connections, information on commuter buses and vanpools, and emergency ride programs. Click here for more information.
- CommUnify: Provides one-time utility assistance and home weatherization to qualified families, both owners and renters. Call for more information at 805-617-2897.
- South CA Edison: Temporarily suspending disconnections for customers unable to pay their bill due to COVID19 impact. Call 800-950-2356 or visit: sce.com/billhelp
- SoCal Gas: Providing support to residential customers by not suspending services and offering payment assistance. Additionally, small business customers may be eligible for a waived late fees. For more information call 800-427-2200 or visit: https://socalgas.com/coronavirus
- PG&E: Offer its most flexible pay plans to customers who indicate either an impact or hardship as a result of COVID-19. Moratorium on disconnection services for more information call 877-704-8470 or visit: https://www.pge.com/en_US/about-pge/company-information/protective-protocols/covid19.page
Child Care:
- For a referral for assistance in finding child care contact Children’s Resource and Referral at 805.925.7071
- For assistance with paying for child care contact
- Children’s Resource & Referral 805-925-7071
- Santa Barbara County Education Office 805-964-4710 x 4474
Employers & Employees:
- Resource and Referral – Employers interested in helping individual employees find child care refer them to Children’s Resource and Referral 805-925-7071
- Emergency Child Care Initiative – Employers interested in surveying their essential workforce for child care need and working with a consultant to match employees to local child care providers contact essentialchildcaresb@gmail.com
- Schools & Childcare Information: https://publichealthsbc.org/school-health/
- Buellton School District: http://www.buelltonusd.org/
- Carpinteria Unified School District: https://www.cusd.net/; https://drive.google.com/file/d/18ekcfKu_ubaHIbs4bBPce-UcTq0akTkg/view
- Carpinteria Children’s Project: https://carpchildren.org/covid-19/
- Cold Spring School District: https://coldspringschool.net/news/covid-19-updateguidelines-april-3-2020
- College School District: https://collegeschooldistrict.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/District-Update.pdf
- Cuyama School District: http://www.cuyamaunified.org/wp-content/uploads/April-1-2020-community-letter.pdf
- Goleta Union School District: https://www.goleta.k12.ca.us/covid-19-info/
- Guadalupe School District: https://www.guadusd.org/
- Hope School District: http://www.hopeschooldistrict.org/
- Lompoc Unified: https://www.lusd.org/Page/9232
- Montecito Union School District: https://www.montecitou.org/264113_2
- Orcutt School District: http://www.orcuttschools.net/district_information/coronavirus_information
- Santa Barbara Unified School District: https://www.sbunified.org/; https://www.sbunified.org/2020/04/03/important-announcement-and-resources-for-sb-unified-families-and-staff/
- Santa Maria Bonita School District: https://www.smbsd.org/
- Santa Maria Joint Union High School District: http://www.smjuhsd.k12.ca.us/?L=1&DivisionID=24306&TabNo=2
- Santa Ynez Valley Union High School District: https://www.syvuhsd.org/apps/news/; https://4.files.edl.io/7ca1/03/16/20/150434-0996722a-7c0d-47ab-8522-3152365028a1.pdf
- Solvang School District: http://solvang-ca.schoolloop.com/file/1500178971521/1365474433520/8092109363798559716.pdf; https://www.solvangschool.org/
- California Department of Education: https://www.cde.ca.gov/ls/he/hn/coronavirus.asp
805 Undocufund: Resources for Undocumented Individuals in response to COVID-19 can be found here:
https://388adb.p3cdn1.secureserver.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Undocumented-Individuals-COVID-19-Resources.pdf. Financial assistance for undocumented workers who have lost income or employment due to COVID-19 within Santa Barbara County and Ventura County, apply here: www.805undocufund.org/aplicar/
California Information Guide for undocumented immigrants: https://covid19.ca.gov/guide-immigrant-californians/
The Disaster Relief Immigrant Relief Program (DRAI) is a one-time, state-funded aid program for undocumented adults affected by COVID-19. A qualifying undocumented adult can receive $500 in direct assistance, with a maximum of $ 1,000 per household. Learn more here: http://mixteco.org/drai/?fbclid=IwAR39XI5GjnWDBKzJ0MH6XvT6AIjMMOJDBt-u6MkfAHQJfrmOrkSHzRpBKy8
Here is where you can find all you need to know about your Economic Impact Payment: https://www.irs.gov/coronavirus/economic-impact-payment-information-center
For most taxpayers, payments are automatic, and no further action is needed. This includes taxpayers who filed tax returns in 2018 and 2019 and most seniors and retirees.
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s guide to COVID-19 economic stimulus relief: https://www.consumerfinance.gov/about-us/blog/guide-covid-19-economic-stimulus-checks/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=wc&utm_term=April1620
Federal Pandemic Act: Supporting Foster youth and Families Program. This act provides you with one time funding via a cash card through the John H. Chafee Foster Care Program to address critical financial needs due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Must apply before September 3rd,2021. Please see link below for more information and eligibility. https://chafeecard.dss.ca.gov/
Emergency Business Assistance Grant Program: The Emergency Business Assistance Grant Program provides eligible microenterprise and small businesses with assistance for the county of Santa Barbara. This is all bases on eligibility, therefore please review the following link for more information and eligibility: https://callutheran.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_ea59E938dn07Tx4
The Economic Development Collaborative: Compiled list of resources available for employees and employers who have been impacted by COVID-19: https://edcollaborative.com/covid19/
Business Owners and Employees: Federal, state and local assistance programs are available to small business owners, employers, employees and residents. Visit: readySBC.org/EconomicRecovery
Employment Development Department: The EDD provides a variety of support services (workers, caregiving, reduced work hours and self employed) to individuals affected by COVID-19 in California. For more information visit: https://www.edd.ca.gov/about_edd/coronavirus-2019.htm
Business Resource Guide: https://countyofsb.org/uploadedFiles/phd/PROGRAMS/Disease_Control/Corona/SBCWDB%20COVID-19%20Business%20Resource%20Guide_English.pdf
Worker Resource Guide: http://sbcwdb.org/uploadedFiles/sbcwdb/home/SBCWDB%20COVID-19%20Workers%20Resource%20Guide_032720_English.pdf
Child Care:
- Resource and Referral – Employers interested in helping individual employees find child care refer them to Children’s Resource and Referral 805-925-7071
- Emergency Child Care Initiative – Employers interested in surveying their essential workforce for child care need and working with a consultant to match employees to local child care providers contact essentialchildcaresb@gmail.com
- America’s Job Centers of California (AJCC): Offers help in finding and preparing for a job. Also offers information on job training and other services that may be available to you through the Work Force Innovation & Opportunity Act. Click here for more information.
- Santa Barbara: 130 E. Ortega St., (805)568-1296
- Santa Maria: 1410 S. Broadway, (805) 614-1550
Resources for City of Buellton residents: http://cityofbuellton.com/government/special/Coronavirus.php
Resources for City of Carpinteria residents: https://carpinteriahub.com/
Resources for City of Goleta residents: https://www.cityofgoleta.org/projects-programs/emergency-preparedness/covid-19
Resources for City of Guadalupe residents: http://ci.guadalupe.ca.us/
Resource for City of Lompoc residents: https://www.cityoflompoc.com/community/coronavirus-local-information-and-resources
Resources for City of Santa Barbara residents: https://www.santabarbaraca.gov/gov/cityhall/onlineservices/default.asp
Resources for City of Santa Maria residents: https://www.cityofsantamaria.org/city-government/departments/city-manager/coronavirus
Resources for City of Solvang residents: https://www.cityofsolvang.com/371/Coronavirus-Information-Resources
Care 4 P.A.W.S. Mobile Clinic provides affordable, accessible pet wellness services to low-income, senior, disabled and homeless pet owners throughout Santa Barbara County. They also offer support with pet food, supplies and other basic pet care needs. Learn more here:
SBCA’S: (Santa Barbara County Animal Services) In the following link you can find information on what pet services are being offered during COVID-19. They also have a short Q&A session put together for pet parents and community members. https://countyofsb.org/phd/animal/operations-covid19.sbc
- AT&T: Provides flexible payment options for COVID19 impacted customers to keep service including cellphones, television and internet running. Make payment arrangements 800-288-2020
- Bank of America: offers personalized financial assistance through its Client Assistance Program and can be reached at 844-219-0690.
- Chase Bank: Announced its efforts to help its customers affected by COVID19 and is encouraging customers to call a special care line at 888-356-0023 to discuss available hardship programs.
- Wells Fargo Bank: Committed to helping customers experiencing hardships, including from the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19). If in need of assistance, customers can call 800-219-9739 to speak with a trained specialist to discuss options available for their consumer lending, small business and deposit products.
- Sprint: is offering payment options to qualified customers through its financial team to keep customers affected by COVID19 connected. Additionally GB will be provided at no cost call 888-211-4727 or visit sprint.com for more information.
- T-Mobile: is providing payment options for customers affected by COVID19. Customers can call T-Mobile Customer Care to discuss options at 611 from a T-Mobile device or 877-746-0909 from any phone.
- U.S Bank: Customers are encouraged to visit the U.S. Bank coronavirus webpage or contact our designated line at 888-287-7817 to speak with a customer service representative about products or customer assistance programs that may be available, including mortgage relief options. Visit: https://www.usbank.com/splash/covid-19.html
- Verizon: is offering flexible payment options and a “Promise to Pay” program for customers which can be set up in the My Verizon app or website, or available by calling 866-266-1445.
- CapitalOne: Customers affected by COVID19 may be eligible for assistance, of which will vary on the type of product they have and their individual needs. For more information visit: https://www.capitalone.com/coronavirus/
- Citibank: Customers affected by COVID19 may be eligible for waived fees, credit line increase and some mortgage customers can be eligible for hardship programs for more information visit: https://online.citi.com/US/JRS/pands/detail.do?ID=covid19
- COX: Due to the Coronavirus crisis increased access and speed is free to low-income internet service Connect2Compete. New Connect2Compete customers will receive their first month of service free. Additional support available for customers call : 844-221-3930 or Visit : https://www.cox.com/residential/support/coronavirus-response.html?campcode=tnt-home-alert
Protect Yourself Financially from Coronavirus: Resources to protect yourself financially during COVID19: https://www.consumerfinance.gov/coronavirus/
FEMA COVID-19 Funeral Assistance: Under the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2021 and the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, FEMA will provide financial assistance for COVID-19-related funeral expenses incurred after January 20, 2020. For more information visit: https://www.fema.gov/disasters/coronavirus/economic/funeral-assistance
DMV: In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) California law enforcement exercises discretion for 60 days in their enforcement of driver license and vehicle registration expiration dates beginning March 16, 2020. For more information visit: https://www.dmv.ca.gov/portal/dmv/detail/pubs/newsrel/2020/2020_12
California Taxes: More time to file, for California taxpayers affected by the COVID19 pandemic: http://www.oesnews.com/more-time-to-file-pay-for-california-taxpayers-affected-by-the-covid-19-pandemic/
IRS: The IRS has temporarily closed all Taxpayer Assistance Centers and discontinued face-to-face service throughout the country until further notice. The IRS is continuing to process tax returns, issue refunds and help taxpayers to the greatest extent possible. More information here: https://www.irs.gov/coronavirus
Price Gouging: It is illegal to increase prices, for more information on Price Gouging Law see PDF to report call : 805-568-2300 and file a complaint : English Form, Spanish Form
Public library: Free wifi is availiable at the public libraries in Santa Barbara County, as well as a place to charge your phone and computer.
- Downtown Santa Barbara: 40 E. Anacapa St., (805)962-7653
- Eastside Santa Barbara: 1102 E. Montecito, (805) 963-3727
- Montecito: 1469 E.Valley Rd,. (805)969-5063
- Carpinteria: 5141 Carpinteria Ave., (805) 684-4314
- Goleta: 500 N. Fairview Ave., (805) 964-7878
- Buellton: 140 West Highway 246, (805) 688-3115
- Solvang: 1745 Mission Dr., (805) 688-4212
More information will be posted as available. Not all resources are listed on this page. Dial 211 for more information.