Victim Compensation Program (cvcp)
Provides eligible victims with reimbursement for many crime-related expenses. Crimes that are covered by the board include:
- Assault with a deadly weapon
- Battery (when there is injury or threat of injury)
- Child abuse
- Child sexual assault
- Child endangerment and abandonment
- Domestic violence
- Driving under the influence
- Elder Abuse
- Hate Crimes
- Homicide
- Human Trafficking
- Hit-and-run
- Murder
- Online Harassment
- Robbery
- Sexual assault
- Stalking
- Sexual battery
- Terrorism
- Unlawful sexual intercourse (where there is injury or threat of injury)
- Vehicular manslaughter
- Other crimes that result in physical injury or a threat of physical injury to the victim
Finances cover medical and medical-related expenses for the victim, including dental expenses. Also covers outpatient mental health treatment or counseling. Other expenses covered include:
- Funeral and burial expenses.
- Wage or income loss up to five years following the date of the crime. If the victim is permanently disabled, wage or income loss may be extended.
- Support loss for legal dependents of a deceased or injured victim.
- Up to 30 days wage loss for the parent or legal guardian of a minor victim who is hospitalized or dies as a direct result of a crime.
- Medically necessary renovation or retrofitting of a home or vehicle for a person permanently disabled as a result of the crime.
- Home security installation or improvements up to $1,000.
- In-patient psychiatric hospitalization costs under dire or exceptional circumstances.
- Relocation expenses up to $3,418 per household.
- Crime scene cleanup up to $1,709 when a crime occurs in a residence or vehicle.
- Veterinary fees, or replacement costs for a guide, signal or service dog. (GC 13957(a)(10))
- Roundtrip mileage reimbursement from your residence to medical, dental or mental health appointments.
- Job retraining.
-California resident when the crime occurred, or the crime must have occurred in California.
-Nonresidents who are victimized in California may also apply.
-Cooperate with police and court officials to arrest and prosecute the offender, Exceptions may apply
-Cooperate with CalVCB staff
-Must not have been involved in events leading to the crime or committed a crime that could be charged as a felony.
-Application must be filed within seven years of the crime, seven years after the direct victim turns 21 years of age, or seven years from when the crime could have been discovered.
Application Process
Visit website or mail to apply.
Copies of available crime reports, bills, receipts, and supporting documentation.
No fee
Service Areas
- State of California
(800) 777-9229 | Main Number |
Mon 8am - 5pm;
Tue 8am - 5pm;
Wed 8am - 5pm;
Thu 8am - 5pm;
Fri 8am - 5pm;
No Physical Address, CA
Disabilities Access
Not applicable
No Physical Address, CA
Listing Managed by: 211s of California | Print Listing
Information last updated: 2024-02-29T00:00:00